Research, Packaging, Website Design, Content Strategy


Packaging, Branding, Email Marketing, Affiliate Management


Research, Branding, Packaging, Ad Design, PPC Management


Research, Print Design, Content Creation, Website Design


Digital Audit, Market Research, User Experience


Ecommerce, Website Development, PPC Management, SEO

Fintech Moldova’s Annual Conference Sheds Light on the Future of Financial Innovation

Moldova, positioned at the intersection of technological evolution and financial transformation, recently hosted the fifth edition of the Fintech Moldova Conference in October. Drawing over 360 experts, specialists, and business leaders from the financial sector, the event solidified its standing as a regional hub for collaboration, learning, and networking. Regulatory authorities, bankers, financial and tech […]

Fintech Experts Discussed Challenges and Opportunities for the Fintech Market in 2023

On July 12, as part of the “Fintech in Figures 2023” online event organized by the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies, a panel discussion took place to shed light on the challenges faced by the fintech sector in Europe. The online discussion brought together experts from various countries to share their insights and […]