The Path to Digital Transformation: Fintech Moldova Conference 2023 Spotlights Financial Innovation and Fintech Partnerships

On October 6, Chisinau will host the Fintech Moldova Conference 2023, powered by Mastercard and maib. The conference will bring together approximately 300 participants from over 60 companies and organizations from Moldova and abroad, marking the fifth annual edition of this initiative. The central goal of the event is to facilitate constructive dialogue between the public and private sectors, with a focus on fostering partnerships in the fintech sector. On the conference stage, 30 renowned speakers from Moldova, Romania, Latvia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Israel, and other countries – experts in the field, authorities, strategic partners, and company founders – will discuss topics such as the regulatory framework for fintech in Moldova, the latest trends in digitizing the financial sector, challenges and opportunities in the regional fintech market, innovations in payment systems, and much more. Fintech Moldova Conference 2023 is set to be a benchmark event in the fintech industry, bringing together leaders and specialists from around the world to discuss the future of the sector.

“This year, for the fifth consecutive time, Fintech Moldova Conference is bringing together two of the most significant industries in the Republic of Moldova in one place. We are excited to see increasing interest from foreign developers in bringing fintech solutions tested and validated in European markets to Moldova. We have numerous international partners, and with each passing year, the conference becomes a regional event of growing importance.”

Stefan Nistor, Founder and Coordinator of Fintech Moldova.

The event is benefiting from the support of one of the largest financial companies in the sector, Mastercard, which is one of the two main partners of the 2023 edition and has been supporting the event since its first edition in 2019. This long-standing partnership reflects Mastercard’s ongoing commitment to promoting innovation within Moldova’s financial ecosystem. In an era where the global financial environment is continually evolving, discussion platforms like the Fintech Moldova Conference play an essential role in facilitating dialogue and knowledge exchange among industry leaders, experts, and fintech industry representatives. The aim of this enduring partnership is to further stimulate financial inclusion and bring more people into the digital economy, thereby strengthening Moldova’s position as a key player in the global financial sector.

“We are proud to continue our longstanding partnership with Fintech Moldova Conference for the fifth consecutive year. This collaboration underscores Mastercard’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation within the financial ecosystem in Moldova. As the global landscape of finance continues to evolve, discussion platforms like FMC2023 play a pivotal role in facilitating dialogue and knowledge-sharing among industry leaders, experts, and fintechs to further drive financial inclusion and bring more people into the digital economy.”

Irina Untila, director of Mastercard office in Moldova.

Another main partner of this event is maib, the largest commercial bank in Moldova and a leader in providing innovative financial services in the country. maib has been with the event over the years, making significant contributions to the development and success of the conference. This strategic partnership demonstrates the Moldovan banking sector’s interest in promoting innovation and financial technologies in the country. Through its support, maib contributes to consolidating the conference’s position as a benchmark event in the Moldovan and regional fintech industry and facilitates dialogue between the public and private sectors.

”For the third year in a row, maib supports Fintech Moldova Conference together with our trusted partner Mastercard. There is no doubt that technology and innovation has revolutionised the financial industry. Only those who embrace the change succeed. Supporting this conference is about our openness to collaboration and partnership with fintech providers in creating innovative products and services for our customers. We at maib are proudly embracing the transformation that technology and innovation  brings to financial industry. We strive to bring the best and most innovative solutions to make people happier and businesses more successful.”

Giorgi Shagidze, CEO maib

Digitalizing public and financial services has become a priority on the agendas of Moldovan authorities, with significant importance to international strategic partners. In recent years, the efforts of the USAID Institutional and Structural Reforms Project in Moldova have been focused on modernizing government services, launching innovative digital projects, and revising the regulatory framework in the financial sector. These initiatives are crucial in the path toward a comprehensive digital transformation of Moldovan society.

At FMC23, the most significant regulatory developments that have taken place in Moldova over the past year and those anticipated for the future will be discussed. Two highly relevant topics under scrutiny are the local implementation of Open Banking and the Instant Payment system. How will these technologies change the way we interact with banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions? What perspectives are opening up regarding Instant Payments and how will they impact our ability to carry out financial transactions? These are just a few of the key questions that conference speakers, experienced international specialists in the field, will attempt to address, including representatives from Salt Edge and TietoEvry Banking.

“Cultivating innovation through technology isn’t just an option – it’s our responsibility in shaping Moldova’s financial future. At Salt Edge, we’re dedicated to driving this change, particularly through open banking and instant payments, which are transforming and improving a wide range of financial services. The Fintech Moldova Conference 2023 is proof of our joint mission to revolutionise Moldova’s financial landscape. Together we can make Moldova a center for technical advancements, creating a better financial future for everyone.”

Vasile Valcov, Chief Commercial Officer, Salt Edge

“We are proud to sponsor the FinTech Moldova conference, as Tietoevry Banking believes in the potential of the Fintech Ecosystem in the CIS region. Moldova has shown great promise in embracing digital transformation, with the Fintech’s Digital Investment market projected to grow by 16.41% (2023-2027) reaching a market volume of up to US$178.10m. We anticipate a thriving landscape in the banking and finance industry in the country, driven by digital transformation and innovation, and our goal is to foster innovation in areas such as open banking, card issuing, merchant acquiring, and instant payments. By bringing private and public sectors together, Moldova can create an environment that promotes innovation, drives financial inclusion, and contributes to the overall economic growth of the country. At Tietoevry Banking, we are dedicated to sharing our expertise, learning from industry leaders, and fostering valuable partnerships.

Irina Grinšpane, Sales Director for CIS Region at Tietoevry Banking

Another topic of interest to be addressed at FMC23 is neobanks. These financial institutions focus on providing digital services and eliminating traditional bank branches. Neobanks have rapidly gained ground in the financial market due to their technological innovation and personalized services. These exclusively online financial entities place a special emphasis on the user experience and establish close collaborations with other fintech companies, which has made them increasingly popular among consumers. Offering a diverse range of services, from savings and payments to loans and investments, neobanks completely redefine how people manage finances and interact with financial services. At FMC23, the perspectives of neobanks in Moldova will be analyzed, and Bryan Carroll, one of the most reputable fintech experts globally, will share insights into the launch of Vietnam’s largest neobank.

It is anticipated that the event will bring together approximately 300 participants, providing a substantial platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences. The conference’s diverse audience will include professionals from the financial and technological industries, with representatives from both top-tier and intermediate levels, resulting in a dynamic blend of knowledge and innovation. Special guests will include representatives from the banking sector, including major banks, as well as microfinance institutions and other financial entities. Furthermore, some of the most prominent IT and telecommunications companies in Moldova will participate in the event, contributing to the diversity and relevance of the conference discussions.

Moldova’s IT sector boasts an extensive portfolio of fintech solutions that cater to both local and international clients. Additionally, the event will host representatives from International Development Organizations and Donors involved in regional development and supporting the fintech and financial sectors. The National Bank of Moldova, a dedicated supporter of the conference, will be well represented, along with other regulatory entities. Moreover, the event will serve as a meeting platform for a diverse range of fintech companies, both local and international, facilitating connections between fintech startups and established financial institutions. The Fintech Moldova Conference is becoming an increasingly important regional event, attracting more and more foreign stakeholders.

“The fintech phenomenon has become central in Moldova in recent years, not only for traditional financial institutions but also for authorities and international development partners. This is good news for consumers of financial services in Moldova who wish to enjoy the same experiences as those in Western countries. It is also beneficial for financial service providers looking for the best ways to interact and build long-term relationships with their customers, and last but not least, it is important for authorities aiming to create a competitive environment in the financial sector.”

Stefan Nistor, Founder and Coordinator of Fintech Moldova

To learn more about the speakers and the event agenda, visit the official event page at

FMC23 is powered by Mastercard and maib, and organized by Fintech Moldova. Gold Partners: USAID through the Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA), Salt Edge, and TietoEvry. Silver Partners: SIBS Romania, DAAC digital, Fagura, AC Technologies, and QOOBISS. Bronze Partners: SAS and Paynet. Hosting Partner: Tekwill. Media Partners: Symbols,,

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